Scorpion Attenuators

Scorpion II® BLOCKER
Protect your First Responders with the safest, most reliable truck mounted and towable attenuators available today. Over 2,000 documented hits involving Scorpions and thousands of lives saved around the world. Scorpion's design has over twenty years of proven life-saving performance on highways around the globe.

Scorpion II® TL-3 Towable Attenuator
The Scorpion II TL-3 Towable Attenuator from TrafFix Devices is the world's first MASH Tested, Passed, and Eligible Towable Attenuator. The Scorpion II Towable Attenuator attaches to a truck and requires little to no modification of the host vehicle.

Scorpion II® Truck Mounted Attenuator
The Scorpion II TMA from TrafFix Devices is the world's first MASH Tested, Passed, and Eligible Truck Mounted Attenuator. The Scorpion II Truck Mounted Attenuator is hydraulically powered and is ideal for stationary and mobile construction zones.

Scorpion II® METRO TMA
The Scorpion II METRO TMA from TrafFix Devices is the only TL-2 Plus (50 mph / 80 kph) TMA that is MASH Tested and Passed. It is the ideal TMA for cities, counties, and urban districts with posted speeds of 50 mph (80 kph) or less.

Scorpion® Towable Attenuator
The Scorpion TL-3 Towable Attenuator attaches to a truck and requires little to no modification of the host vehicle. The Scorpion TA has been NCHRP-350 tested and accepted for all mandatory and optional offset and angled impacts on unrestrained host vehicles.

Scorpion® Truck Mounted Attenuator
The Scorpion Truck Mounted Attenuator is hydraulically powered and is ideal for stationary and mobile construction zones. The Scorpion TMA has been tested and PASSED ALL optional and mandatory requirements suggested in the NCHRP-350 TL-3.