Is your job-site or storage yard filled with torn, broken, faded or otherwise unusable drums?
Why buy from T.D.I.?
Since 1987, TrafFix Devices, Inc. has been providing their customers with the most value for their channelizer drum dollars. The drum tops and bases we made in 1987 are still interchangeable with our current production model.
At TrafFix Devices, we use only the highest grade plastic resins to manufacture our drums. Our drum tops and bases are designed to "break-away" rather than "break-apart" upon impact.
Here is a TrafFix Devices drum top that has been impacted and appears crushed and unusable. Notice that it is not torn or broken but simply "flattened out." With most other manufacturers' products, this top would be added to the "drum graveyard" pictured above.
Apply simple hand pressure to reshape the drum top to its original form
Apply Pressure...
TrafFix Devices uses only top quality plastic resins and has engineered its drums to be reshaped after most impacts. By applying simple hand pressure to the dented areas, most drums can be reshaped into their original form and reused.
Previously crushed drum has been snap-locked to its base and is ready to be put back on the job
Back On The Job!
The previously crushed drum has been snap-locked to its base and is ready to be put back on the job. Remember, every channelizer drum that you can salvage and reuse saves your money and keeps it out of landfills.
The TrafFix Channelizer Drums are available in rugged, durable high density polyethylene; or impact resistant, reshapeable low density polyethylene.
Drum is a minimum of 18" wide throughout its 36" height, regardless of orientation
Tapered design allows stacking with or without barricade lights for easy handling and storage
Drum and base remain "snapped together" until impacted or separated for transportation and storage
Gentle curves throughout drum eliminate sharp edges or corners that crack and break when impacted
Built-in carrying and dragging handle
Two mounting holes for optional barricade lights
Bright orange color molded throughout drum - UV inhibitors minimize fading
NTPEP National Transportation Product Evaluation Program tested-meets or exceeds MUTCD specifications
Retaining lip and flange for added strength during impact
"D" shaped design minimizes rolling after impact and separation from base
100% recycled rubber base for increased durability and "gription" which resists movement from passing vehicles
Tired of drum tops and bases that don't fit, snap, or stay together? We have the solution. TrafFix Devices offers the largest selection of channelizer drum bases in the industry. Choose from an array of different types and styles that best fit your needs and budget.
Tire Ring Channelizer Drum Base (#18020-TRB)
Tire Ring Base 18020-TRB
The TrafFix Devices Tire Ring Base is made from truck tire sidewall sections. It's economical and easy to use and provides all the ballast you'll need to hold a drum in place, even in the windiest conditions. The tire ring eliminates the need for sandbags that tear or break leaving messy sand on the roadway. The rubber tire ring "grips the road" and minimizes drum movement and rotation.
Each TrafFix Devices' patented drum has two molded-in, Anti-Rotation Ribs to hold a tire ring securely in place.
TrafFix channelizer drums (with tire rings) have been impact tested under the direction of NTPEP (National Transportation Product Evaluation Program) . The TrafFix drum top successfully separated from the base when repeatedly impacted by the test vehicle in both warm and cold weather tests.*
Remember, by using truck tire sidewalls for channelizer drum ballast, we are reusing truck tires and helping to keep them out of landfills.
Economical and easy to use - simply place the base on the ground, add a sand bag and snap - lock the drum top to the base. Made of durable, impact resistant polyethylene.
San-Fil bases are designed to hold approximately 50 pounds of sand with a twist lock cover that keeps the sand inside the base. Two carrying handles make movement and placement simple. The low profile 4" high base easily clears vehicle undercarriages and can even support the weight of any automobile, when properly filled.
TrafFix 100% recycled rubber base is the "sand less" way to ballast channelizer drums. The rubber base "grips the road" and minimizes drum movement due to wind gusts. Rubber bases come in 25 and 40 pound weights with two convenient carrying methods.