Jack Kulp Chosen For Cal Poly Engineering Hall of Fame


From a list of over 25,000 Cal Poly Pomona Engineering Alumni, Jack Kulp, the Founder and CEO of TrafFix Devices, was chosen as one of 22 Engineers to be part of the inaugural class of the Engineering Hall of Fame. This new Hall of Fame will serve to recognize distinguished engineers and their achievements as well as inspire future generations of students. The official induction ceremonies and unveiling of the Cal Poly Engineering Hall of Fame will take place on on campus in Pomona.

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Less than half of US roads are rated “good”

The Gary Stoller article in the July 29 USA Today speaks to a great portion of US roads and bridges which are in desperate need of repair. Stoller says that less than half of all US roads are rated “good.”

Indeed, just 38% of the pavement on roads stretching miles across the USA is in “good” condition, according to the analysis, while about one in 10 of the nation’s bridges are “structurally deficient.”
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