Important Product Recall Notice: TrafFix Alert High Speed

Notice of Recall

  • Product Description/Name: TrafFix Alert High Speed Array
  • Part Numbers: 84075-HS, 84075-HS-B, 84150-HS, 84150-HS-B, 84450-HS, 84450-HS-B
  • Purchase Dates: January 2019 – December 2024
TrafFix Alert High Speed Product Information
TrafFix Alert High Speed specifications

Reason for Recall

We have identified that the product does not reach our high standards of performance and safety and can create a hazard on the roadway.

What You Should Do

  1. Stop Using the Product: If you are currently using the TrafFix Alert High Speed, please stop using it immediately.
  2. Return the Product: Contact Ms. Diane Womack, Customer Service Manager, at to arrange for a return and refund.

Additional Information

For additional information regarding this recall, please contact us or our customer service team at (949) 361-5663. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Thank you for your continued support.