Today we had the great honor of hosting a group of students from Pacific Coast Christian Homeschool. It all started last year when we got a call from a parent asking if we could host a birthday party for their son, Brody. You see, Brody wants to grow up to become an Engineer and one day work for TrafFix Devices; they said “He is obsessed with your orange drums, cones, and especially the Scorpion.” We were overjoyed that he was so intrigued by our company and what we do that would couldn’t help but host his birthday party. Brody was joined by 9 of his friends where they got to tour of our San Clemente facility and see what really goes into creating highway safety products.
After his party, Brody told all of his friends at school and church what he did for his birthday. He kept talking about it…. for months. Fast-forward to last week when we got another call from the parents who asked if we could host a school field trip for Brody and his classmates. We had such fun hosting his birthday party that we more than happy to show his classmates around.
But this time, we turned it up to 11!
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