Mission: Safety

As June is also National Safety Month, this weeks’ blog focuses on our dedication to safety not just externally through our products, but also internally in how we seek to embed safety in everything we do.

The TrafFix Devices Truck Mounted Attenuator has saved the lives of many motorists and highway construction workers throughout the world. TrafFix Devices is the leader in impact attenuator technology, and has proven to save lives on the highway and in the construction zone.

We spend our time at TrafFix Devices creating products that keep the drivers and pedestrians of the world safe. Just as our product safety goal is to keep people safe on the highways and in work zones, our internal safety goal is to keep our employees free from injury and free of hazards that can cause injuries.

As we work to receive, manufacture, assemble, and ship our products, we take into consideration our own safety and the safety of those working alongside us. All injuries are avoidable, but only if we work to avoid them. To that end, we commit to practicing sound safety techniques and embrace protocols that govern how we behave in our workplace. To do otherwise is akin to using a work truck on the highway with no Scorpion attached, where the safety of a driver or road worker is left to chance.

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