Meet Pearl TrafFix Employee Stories

Roberta Pruden, affectionately known as at TrafFix as "Pearl", has been at TrafFix Devices employee in our Fairfield, Iowa location since April 15, 1996. That means that this year she's celebrating her 25th anniversary with the company, having spent a quarter of a century of hard work and dedication to the growth and development of TrafFix Devices.
Pearl was born in Missouri and moved to Iowa when she was 19 years old. Pearl was one of five children, and is now a mother of two, grandmother to four, and great-grandmother to 13! At TrafFix, Pearl has spent her time working behind the scenes at our Iowa facility, where she has worked in practically every manufacturing process and is currently running the TrafFix barrel and cone machines. Her broad skill set is made even more impressive by the fact that Pearl is celebrated another major milestone in April – her 92nd birthday. Although, if you asked for her age she would tell you she's turning 29.
Most people would have chosen to retire long before their 92nd birthday, but not Pearl. Pearl's coworkers have described her as an extremely hard working woman and someone that they can always depend on. She is extremely dedicated to her job, evidenced by her loyalty and commitment to each role she steps into. Prior to her 25 years with TrafFix Devices, Pearl spent a full 21 years working for the City of Dexter, where she was known by the nickname "Bert".
When asked what it was about TrafFix that has made her stick around for so long, Jamie Williams, one of Pearl's four grandchildren and a TrafFix Devices employee, said "She loves working for TrafFix because of her coworker. She loves the people around her and the great environment that they create".
Pearl is such a valued member of our team and we are sincerely grateful that she has chosen to stay with us all of these years. TrafFix Devices would not be the same without Pearl Pruden.